Fungus Alert

There are four (4) predominant diseases we are seeing in our state this spring/summer season. Due to reaching August heat waves as early as June (6 weeks earlier than expected), these diseases got off to a running start this year. We have not seen our temperatures heat up so quick and intensely during our spring season in over eleven years.

Fungus Watch
Pythium Blight
Brown Patch
Summer Patch
Dollar Spot
Leaf spot

The Birth Of Fungus
Some fungus spores germinate in the soil (soil-borne) and attacks the roots, while other fungus are air-borne, which moves with the wind, while effecting plants above the ground. Once turf or other plants are infected, the disease can move by mechanical equipments, animals and even humans walking across the turf. A fungus can survive unfavorable periods as dormant single cell organism waiting for the right conditions to grow. Once conditions are favorable (temperature, water and host plant) the dormant fungi resumes growth from the infected leaves to nearby healthy leaves, causing new infections. Mycelium (cottony growth) moves rapidly through and on the plants.

The Battle Begins Plant VS Disease
Once plants are infected, the plant will deteriorate rapidly unless action to prevent further infections are taken. Using preventive actions before the fungus starts in and on the plant is the best means of control. However, we generally treat the infected plants (turf, flowers and shrubs) after spotting the infection on our customers’ property.

Environmental conditions must be favorable to begin germinating the spores and bringing about conditions that are favorable for treatments. Soil borne disease generally occurs when the daytime temperature combined with a nighttime temperature added together reach a total of 150 degrees (F) or more. At this time the perfect breeding ground for soil fungal spores begins to grow. When air temperature reaches above 83 degrees (F) foliar diseases become a problem for most turf, shrubs and trees. Combine these temperatures with frequent daytime showers, warm nights, with dew forming on the leaves and it’s a perfect storm to fuel the spread of these fungal spores.

Weed Pro Wages War On Fungus
That is when Weed Pro adds value to our customers and recommends that specific fungicides are applied to prevent the spread of these diseases. So weather you have a surface fungus or a soil fungus you’re going to want protection from continued damage. Call Weed Pro Lawn Care, today to get on the schedule for a fungicide application for your turf, trees, shrubs or flowers.

Management Strategies
Have Weed Pro, apply a quality fungicide to give the lawn protection from continued damage. Have Weed Pro, care for your lawn regularly with our nutrient rich soil building, fertilization program. Mow grasses at the recommended maximum height, if possible. Try not to remove more than 1/3 of the leaf surface in any one mowing or pruning. Maintain adequate soil moisture, but avoid sprinkling in the late afternoon or evening. Do not overwater.