Plant Your Spring Daises in the Fall

In most places, fall is the time to finish digging up the old flowers, trimming the trees and putting things away for the cold winter ahead. The temperatures drop to well below zero—impossibly cold temperatures for a young plant to thrive. The ground also becomes as hard as a rock, making root and stem penetration…

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The Importance of Eye Protection

If you are planning on doing any yard work, it is essential that you wear eye protection at all times! A lot of people fail to do this when they are working out in the yard, but there is no reason to be sorry when you could be safe. Eye protection is so essential because…

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Keeping an Eye out for Insects

Insects are one of the biggest problems that face our lawns every summer. These pests can do a great deal of damage to your lawn by attacking the grass and trees and by interrupting healthy cycles of growth. If you have insect problems, it is a good idea to get rid of them as soon…

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One Easy Way to Improve the Health of Your Lawn

A beautiful lawn is a source of pride for men. A man loves to come home and see their luscious green lawn waiting for them. He takes note of the evenness of the mow. Each time he turned the mower around, he pushed it with precision to form perfect lanes that intersect at rigid ninety…

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