Planting Deer Resistant Plants

For garden planters in Cumming, Georgia, the frequent interruptions and disruptions of deer munching on various plants has long since been a common occurrence.  While the natural beauty of deer in the backyard is awfully hard to beat, their constant appetites have the ability to ruin a garden. Whether the garden is composed of fruits…

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Bagging Your Lawn versus Mulching It

Mowing the lawn is something that you are going to be doing about once a week, depending on where you live and what the weather conditions are like. Since people who mow the lawn will be doing this chore a lot over the summer and into the fall, the question of bagging the clipping versus…

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Insects in Your Garden: The Friendly Invasion

Everywhere you look for tips on gardening, you learn about nets, pesticides, and other techniques of keeping living things from invading your garden. They come in hordes during the growing season and seem to know just when to appear (just when your plants are starting to show maturity). Many garden owners worry that they will…

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Keeping an Eye on Your Lawn in Winter

Winter marks the end of intensive lawn care in most places. As the temperature of the air drops, the lawn’s cravings to grow do as well. Most strains of grass will turn dormant throughout the winter and stop growing. They will do just enough to stay alive, but that’s about it. This means you’ll be…

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Plant Your Spring Daises in the Fall

In most places, fall is the time to finish digging up the old flowers, trimming the trees and putting things away for the cold winter ahead. The temperatures drop to well below zero—impossibly cold temperatures for a young plant to thrive. The ground also becomes as hard as a rock, making root and stem penetration…

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Bed Bugs

When traveling from city to city staying in different hotels you should definitely check your bed for you enter the room. Don’t leave any suitcases are opened items in the floor just in case the hotel room you’re staying and has an infestation. Always check under need to sheets to make sure you are not sleeping in an infested bed. Transporting bedbugs to your home can be a very costly and annoying situation for your entire family.

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Winter Damage to Evergreens Shrubs

Although winter injury does not occur as regularly in Georgia as in colder parts of the country, we do see a fair amount of cold damage to plants, especially young, succulent tissues or newly transplanted plants. Both narrow- and broad-leafed evergreens, such as pines, junipers, Leyland cypress, arborvitae, azaleas, rhododendrons, hollies, boxwoods, nandinas, and photinias,…

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Proper Disposal of Pesticides

1. First, do not dispose of these pesticides in an illegal or unsafe way. Do not pour them into storm drains and other drains, put them into trash cans, or use other similar disposal methods. These disposal systems do not have the ability to degrade these pesticides properly and the pesticide can quickly put people…

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