Your Lawn Care Service in Atlanta Offers the Benefits of a Garden

If you hire a lawn care service in Atlanta, like WeedPro for example, it will free up plenty of time for you to enjoy a vegetable garden for you and your family to enjoy. It will certainly be worth the time and effort when you get rewarded with fresh tomatoes, peas and bell peppers in…

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Your Lawn Care Service in Atlanta Warns You About Dangerous Outdoor Toys

Mom always said that it is all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. What she failed to mention is that many of the games she was buying you from the store were the culprits causing injury. Like the set of lawn darts she bought back in the day. Of course, lawn darts have since…

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Lawn Care in Atlanta and The Foo Fighters

Ahhh, summer! The days are longer and warmer and you will probably find yourself with some more free time than you have in the winter. That is, unless you have a lawn you have to care for every weekend. Go ahead, think about what you will be doing this weekend. We are willing to bet…

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Lawn Care in Atlanta and How Your Yard Can Kill You

What are your plans for the weekend? If you have a lawn, then in all likelihood you will be spending some time mowing it. Just so you are aware; around 80,000 people will visit the emergency room this year because of an incident they have with their lawnmower. As if having to spend Saturday afternoon…

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Organic Lawn Care in Atlanta and Allergy Tips

For all of the awesome things that come with spring, warm weather, the sun, flowers and romance, there is one thing that many people don’t get terribly excited about: Allergies. Every spring, as the trees begin to bloom, clouds of pollen are released into the air and we soon hear an annual chorus of sneezing…

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Planting Deer Resistant Plants

For garden planters in Cumming, Georgia, the frequent interruptions and disruptions of deer munching on various plants has long since been a common occurrence.  While the natural beauty of deer in the backyard is awfully hard to beat, their constant appetites have the ability to ruin a garden. Whether the garden is composed of fruits…

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Bagging Your Lawn versus Mulching It

Mowing the lawn is something that you are going to be doing about once a week, depending on where you live and what the weather conditions are like. Since people who mow the lawn will be doing this chore a lot over the summer and into the fall, the question of bagging the clipping versus…

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Insects in Your Garden: The Friendly Invasion

Everywhere you look for tips on gardening, you learn about nets, pesticides, and other techniques of keeping living things from invading your garden. They come in hordes during the growing season and seem to know just when to appear (just when your plants are starting to show maturity). Many garden owners worry that they will…

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Keeping an Eye on Your Lawn in Winter

Winter marks the end of intensive lawn care in most places. As the temperature of the air drops, the lawn’s cravings to grow do as well. Most strains of grass will turn dormant throughout the winter and stop growing. They will do just enough to stay alive, but that’s about it. This means you’ll be…

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