The First Things You Need To Know About Caring For Your Lawn

There’s so much that can go wrong with your lawn—insect infestation, crab grass outbreak, inexplicable brown streaks. The good news is most of this is preventable, and as long as you know the basics of lawn care, you’ll be able to avoid many of the more serious problems.

Know your soil

Before you lay down sod or plant seeds, you have to prepare the soil. Basically, you want to create the ideal conditions for healthy grass, and most dirt doesn’t come ready-made to grow the perfect lawn.

The first step to getting to know your soil is to test its pH level. If the soil is too acidic, grass will have a hard time growing. The pH test results will tell you if you need to take steps to neutralize the soil’s acidity. You can find a pH testing kit at your local gardening center or nursery.

Don’t forget to feed your lawngrass

A healthy lawn boils down to three basic things: sunlight, water, and fertilizer. Most likely you’ve got sunlight covered, and people don’t usually forget about the water part, but keeping your lawn fed with adequate fertilizer is just as important as anything.

At the very least, you’ll want to fertilize your lawn twice a year: once in the spring and again in the fall. Consult with your local gardening center or lawn care providers about the best fertilizer to use.

Know what grasses grow best in your area

There are hundreds of kinds of grass, and certain strands grow better in different climates. Whether you live in the cold, soggy northwest or in Georgia where it’s possible to keep a lawn green year-round, there are going to be several options that could work for your area, and a few types that you’ll want to avoid.

For more information on the types of grasses that grow well in your area, contact your local lawn care specialists today!

Photo Credit: L-O-L-A ,